Hot-Crazy Scale also known as the Vicky Mendoza Diagonal, this theory may not be spot on but it's quite appealing to me. It basically says the crazier a girl is, the hotter she has to be.If she does not lie above or on the diagonal then she is not fit to be in a relationship with you.And by any chance she settles in the Shelly Galezeby Zone then watch-out your balls are in danger.
Hot-Crazy Scale also known as the Vicky Mendoza Diagonal, this theory may not be spot on but it's quite appealing to me. It basically ...
Ducks are arguably the stupidest animals on the entire planet. Strike that. They are the stupidest animals ever to have lived on th...
Circumstantial Hotness Theory states that some girls may appear to be hot and attractive in certain circumstances while in reality they are ...
The Cheerleader Effect(a.k.a Bridesmaid Paradox and Spice Girls Conspiracy).This is when a group of women looks attractive simply by being i...
The Mermaid Theory proves that a the amount of attraction that you have for a girl is measured in units of how much you want to bone her -...
The Lemon Law, which is similar in nature to lemon laws for used cars. The theory is that a person is given the first five minutes of a d...
It states that never ever date a person you see on a a regular basis. And the stages are Attraction : The attraction is simple and undenia...